What To Do When You Are Served A Court Summon Over Your Debt In Singapore?


Whether we realise it or not, debt is a common financial challenge faced by many in Singapore. Unfortunately, if not addressed, it can escalate to the point where legal action may be pursued against an individual. 

If you find yourself faced with a court summon over your existing debt, you may be at a loss as to the next best steps for you to take. This guide aims to help you understand the various implications of such a circumstance and the legal framework surrounding debt in Singapore. 

What Is A Writ of Summons In Singapore?

A Writ of Summons, also referred to as an originating claim or statutory demand, refers to a legal document notifying an individual about a lawsuit filed against them. In Singapore, a Writ of Summons is typically served by a court officer or a representative. 

The originating claim outlines the details of the debt-related allegations. It is crucial to understand the implications of a court summon and take appropriate action promptly.

It is important that you do not ignore a Writ of Summons - should you choose to ignore a Writ of Summons it automatically results in a default judgement. This basically means that you have chosen to not contest the claim. In other words, this indicates that the court now recognises that you owe the creditor the amount stated within the document. 

After a default judgement has been made, the judgement creditor will typically proceed with two of the following - either, a writ of seizure and sale, whereby they are able to take movable items from your property, or sue you for bankruptcy. 

What Is The Legal Framework In Singapore Surrounding A Court Summon?

In Singapore, all debt-related matters are governed by a set of various laws and regulations. Key legislative acts include the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (CPFTA), the Moneylenders Act, and the Hire Purchase Act. 

The CPFTA in Singapore is a legislation designed to protect consumers from unfair practices and ensure fair trading in the market. It outlines various regulations and standards that businesses must adhere to when dealing with consumers. It includes the prohibition of unfair practices, consumer rights, a cooling-off period regarding specific contracts, product safety, enforcement and empowerment of government agencies, and handling penalties should a business be in breach of the CPFTA. 

The Moneylenders Act in Singapore regulates the activities of licensed moneylenders in the country. It aims to protect borrowers from unethical lending practices and to maintain the integrity of the money lending industry in Singapore. It governs licensing requirements, interest rate caps, advertising restrictions, debt collection practices, and disclosure requirements. 

As for the Hire Purchase Act, it outlines and governs purchase agreements between buyers (hirers) and sellers (owners) for the purchase of goods, primarily motor vehicles and household appliances. It aims to regulate the terms and conditions of such agreements, ensuring fairness and protection for both hirers and owners with regard to matters such as regulation of repossession. 

Lastly, the Small Claims Tribunal and the State Courts handle all civil claims involving debts. It is important for anyone facing a court summon related to debt to understand how these legal frameworks function.  

What Are Some Possible Reasons For A Originating Claim In Singapore?

You may receive an originating claim in Singapore for several reasons, including non-payment of personal loans, failure to meet financial obligations that have been outlined in a prior contract, or credit card debts. If you are served a court summon, it is essential to identify the specific cause to be able to address it effectively and promptly. 

Typically, before a creditor resorts to a court summon, they will take several steps to recover the debt owed. This may involve communication through demand letters, engaging debt collection agencies, and even attempting negotiations for a structured debt repayment plan. 

What Are The Consequences Of Ignoring A Court Summon In Singapore?

If you choose to ignore a court summon, you may be faced with severe consequences. As mentioned above, making the choice to ignore an originating claim, can result in a default judgement in favour of the creditor. 

This can lead to asset seizure, along with other legal actions taken against you which can lead up to bankruptcy. It is crucial that you respond to and acknowledge the court summon within the stipulated time frame to avoid unwanted consequences. 

How Do I Respond To A Court Summon In Singapore?

Upon receiving a court summon, individuals should aim to seek immediate professional advice. In most cases the three options that are available to you are to pay the owed sum in full, develop a feasible plan with a detailed timeline for you to make repayments, making an appearance to dispute the claims made - this will initiate court proceedings to determine what is owed or not.  

However, with regards to presenting a detailed timeline for repayments, you must ensure that you are confident you can meet these milestones. If you fail to make the proposed repayments, a second originating claim may be issued. This will restart the initial process. 

If you feel that you are unable to meet the requirements of the three options listed above, we recommend that you reach out to one of Debtox’s Debt Consultants. We are happy to assist you in understanding your situation and the best next steps to take. 

What Are Some Possible Outcomes Of Court Proceedings Over A Court Summon In Singapore?

Debt-related court proceedings in Singapore can lead to various outcomes. Individuals should be aware that a judgement may be issued in favour of the creditor, requiring them to repay the debt with potential additional costs. 

Alternatively, negotiations during the legal proceedings during the legal process may result in a settlement or a structured repayment plan which is more manageable for the debtor. 

In Conclusion… 

It is important to understand that being served a court summon over debt in Singapore is a serious matter and requires careful consideration paired with timely action. Individuals should aim to understand the legal framework, seek legal assistance, and respond promptly. 

By addressing debt-related issues responsibly, individuals can potentially mitigate the legal consequences and work towards resolving their financial issues in a more manageable and structured debt repayment plan. 

Should you have been served an originating claim and are unsure as to your next steps, feel free to schedule an appointment with one of our Debt Consultants. We will be happy to help you navigate this process and guide you through the proceedings. 

Categories :  Bankruptcy
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Posted On : 2024-03-24
Posted By : Damon

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