Where is Debtox located?
We are currently located at 11 Woodlands Close. Check out our contact us page for our exact address and easy instructions on how to get to us.
What are Debtox’s opening hours?
We understand that many of us work standard hours and it may be difficult to schedule an appointment that works for you. This is why at Debtox, we ensure that we have evening and weekend slots available to ensure that you can still come meet with us outside of your working hours.
Mon – Fri: 10am - 8pm (Last Appointment at 7pm)
Sat: 10am - 4pm (Last Appointment at 3pm)
We are closed on Sundays & Public Holidays.
Can I arrange for an appointment for someone I know who might need help?
Yes, of course. If you are concerned about a family member or loved one, you can either fill up the ‘book a consultation form’. Alternatively, you can always WhatsApp directly to arrange an appointment.
We recommend that you speak to them about your concerns and explain how you feel we may be beneficial to their situation.
Why do I need to come for a consultation when information about Debt Repayment Scheme (DRS) is available online?
The majority of information available to you online may be dated or incomplete - making it difficult to navigate or verify its source. Information passed from family or friends can become skewed or misinterpreted along the way.
The reason we recommend an in-person consultation with us is to allow us to fully understand your financial situation. After which, we will be able to provide you with a tailored solution that suits your specific financial concerns.
You can rest assured that the information we share with you will be accurate, updated and comprehensive. Additionally, you will be able to ask us any questions you may have and we will be happy to assist you in understanding DRS and how it can be beneficial to you.
What are Debtox’s fees and how much will DRS cost me?
At Debtox we do not see DRS or any of the services we provide as a product off the shelf. It is a process in which we work hand in hand with you to get you out of debt.
Hence, we have a policy of only discussing fees after meeting you in person and completely understanding your financial situation.
We will then give you a proposal and payment schedule to follow as we guide you through to debt freedom.
Does Debtox provide loans?
Here at Debtox, we are a team of Debt Consultants dedicated to helping you navigate your journey towards debt freedom through the help of government approved solutions. We are not loan providers or money lenders.
What do I need to bring for the consultation session with Debtox?
If you have your latest Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS) Report, Money Lenders Credit Bureau (MLCB) Report, or any Legal Letters you have received from your creditors you can bring them along.
If you don’t have them or have trouble getting the reports, you can bring along your SingPass login credentials and we will help you with the process of retrieving the necessary reports.
How do Debtox’s services differ from CCS & DCP?
Here at Debtox, we are an independent entity with no affiliation to any organisation (eg. Banks, ABS or Money Lenders). As such our advice and the solutions provided are not skewed by creditors’ preferences and instead prioritise your best interests, taking into consideration your needs and current financial concerns.
I still want to continue running my business. Can Debtox still help me?
Yes, we can. You can either fill up Debtox’s ‘book a consultation form’ on our website or WhatsApp us directly to schedule an appointment.
During the consultation we will analyse your situation in full and customise a solution to match your requirements and present you with options from which you can choose from.
Will anyone in my workplace know I engaged Debtox’s services?
No, you can be rest assured that our services are 100% confidential and that Debtox will not divulge any of your information to any 3rd Party.
Will Debt Repayment Scheme (DRS) affect my credit rating?
Debt Repayment Scheme (DRS) is not directly correlated to your credit rating. It is an independent scheme under the purview of the Ministry of Law, that enables you to restructure your finances by consolidating all your unsecured debt and also potentially reset your credit rating in the long run after the completion of DRS.
Can I still buy a HDB flat while undergoing Debt Repayment Scheme (DRS)?
Yes, individuals undergoing DRS are still able to purchase a HDB flat. Debt Repayment Scheme only affects unsecured loans, whereas a housing loan is a secured loan.
Can I still travel if I am currently undergoing Debt Repayment Scheme (DRS)?
Yes, you can still travel during your Debt Repayment Scheme tenure.
Can I combine both my loan’s and my spouse’s loan to qualify for Debt Repayment Scheme (DRS)?
No, the application for Debt Repayment Scheme (DRS) looks at an individual’s debt and application is made as an individual. Therefore, it can only include all unsecured debts under your name.
Do I have to go down to the Debtox office? Can we meet via zoom or outside?
Yes, our Debt Consultants will need to meet with you in person to properly understand your financial situation and repayment capabilities.
In order to comprehensively analyse your financial situation and share confidential information with you, all our consultations are only held in our office and in-person. This also ensures our discussion is efficient and discreet.